Sacred Holistic Horsemanship
A brave, benevolent, and beautiful way of interbeing with our horses
Join us for a free lecture, demonstration, and discussion that outlines a path and program empowering individuals to expand this arising paradigm into the equestrian world.
Center for Equine
8799 Cottonwood Road
November 11, 2022
3:00 – 5:30 pm
All activities will be held in the indoor arena.
Bring a chair and dress for the elements.
Plenty of parking.
Sacred Holistic Horsemanship
A brave, benevolent, and beautiful way of interbeing with our horses
Join us for a free lecture, demonstration, and discussion that outlines a path and program empowering individuals to expand this arising paradigm into the equestrian world.
Horse Woods Haven
1701 Cooper Ridge Road Columbia, KY
November 11, 2022
3:00 – 5:30 pm
All activities will be held in the indoor arena.
Bring a chair and dress for the elements.
Plenty of parking.
Sacred Holistic Horsemanship
A brave, benevolent, and beautiful way of interbeing with our horses
Join us for a free lecture, demonstration, and discussion that outlines a path and program empowering individuals to expand this arising paradigm into the equestrian world.
Horse Woods Haven
1701 Cooper Ridge Road Columbia, KY
November 11, 2022
3:00 – 5:30 pm
All activities will be held in the indoor arena.
Bring a chair and dress for the elements.
Plenty of parking.
This gathering will focus on 5 foundational pillars that are integral for this transformational journey.
1) Physical – Classical Riding Principles, equine and rider biomechanics, anatomy, conformation, healing modalities
2) Mental – ethology, nature of the horse
3) Emotional – trust, connection, teaching horses and humans in a way they can learn
4) Spiritual – inner soul searching, beliefs to intentions, Qi Gong, meditation, yoga, and Selfseeds ©
5) Service – nonviolent communication and the path of the kind and compassionate warrior
The Center
is excited to be hosting
Karen Ososki
Director of
Center for Equine Awareness
where SPIRITUALITY, ART, and SCIENCE interweave to expand
Sacred Holistic Horsemanship
Sacred = deep reverence and respect for sentient beings
Holistic = recognizing all parts as intimately interconnected
Horsemanship = the art of caring for, handling, riding, and training horses
What will be presented?
The lecture and demonstration focus on the elements many see as needed for a holistic approach to horsemanship and will spotlight the Center for Equine Awareness (CEA) Sacred Holistic Horsemanship Program. CEA, a 501c(3) education nonprofit, defines Sacred Holistic Horsemanship (SHH) as a blend of the inward spiritual journey toward greater awareness, mindfulness, compassion, and love; the art of riding with grace and harmony; and the latest equine and equestrian scientific studies.
SHH is founded on the 5 foundational pillars of body, mind, heart, soul, and community. The lecture outlines the most relevant points for each pillar. The following demonstration addresses how each of these interweave for harmony and wellbeing for both the horse and the horse’s partner. Plenty of time is available discussion and questions. Through sharing we can find common ground and forge a clearer message.
A handout on a new program that launches soon will be available. To fulfill this paradigm shift mission, CEA has designed the Sacred Holistic Horsemanship Certification Program. Many have put a lot of time, effort, and collaboration into bringing you an exciting, enlightening, and effective program. Built on the 5 foundational pillars, this program provides the tools to help expand this paradigm shift. Those who complete the journey will be recognized as those who embrace a sacred and holistic view of horsemanship. Join us as we lead you on this journey. Dip into your inner strength and convictions. Find your voice. Experience a more compassionate, connected, and committed way of being with your equines.
Where is this journey directed?
CEA firmly believes that through education, experience, and support we are ready to transform to a more benevolent and equitable paradigm—one that recognizes all things as interbeing (interconnected). This paradigm brings consciousness, awareness, mindfulness, and sacredness into all our intentions with our beloved equine beings, recognizing that horses exist in their own right and have their own inalienable natural rights.
From Separateness to Sacred Interbeing
the next Equestrian Paradigm Shift is arising
Throughout the course of history, there have been significant paradigm shifts in the way horses have been treated and used. From Xenophon to Classical Riding Principles, from breaking horses to starting colts, one can see that the shift has been moving in the direction of horse well being and welfare. Now a new story is unfolding. Many are shifting horses from a means to an end to equal beings on this life’s journey. There is expanding awareness to bring horses into the fold of sentience and consciousness. This movement has been coalescing for the last couple of decades as many seek further advancement away from the current standards of horse treatment to looking for new ways of cocreating and cohabitating with their equine partners. Cocreating connection, compassion, and communication. Cohabitation where both beings experience freedom and community.
Division and uncertainty in the last couple of years seems to be increasing all over the world during these stressful and trying times. Division even seeps into the Equestrian community stirring many to seek shelter and support into different ideological camps creating separation and sometimes friction. We have all been witness to the recent painful outcomes from isolation and dividing discourse. Now is the time we need to come together not only for ourselves but also for our horses. We need to ensure that our horses will be by our sides and protected as we go forward into unknown times.
Let’s travel from the current conventional equestrian paradigm to soul-based horsemanship.
Why act now?
Everyday is an opportunity to create more safety and protection in the equestrian world. Everyday we can expand and improve our vision of the next chapter. As this new way of being is awakening, we need strong, compassionate leaders to create and open paths for others to follow. Out of successful experiences and knowledge, the Center’s mentors have created a framework for equestrian transformation to help those who are willing to take up this call for the new story.
Some feel the urge to be part of this and do not know how or where to begin. By joining us and taking this step forward, you can help prevent unnecessary physical, mental, emotional, and spritual suffering for both horses and the humans who love them. Through this new story, horses and humans will enjoy a closer, kinder, and more compassionate relationship.
Together we will honor the wisdom and giving nature of the horse.
Who will benefit from this gathering?
Those who feel the call to expand mindfulness and compassionate horsemanship for the well being of horses and humans in all equestrian pursuits and experiences. It is also a great foundation for anyone who is looking for personal growth on their journey to more harmony and connection with their horses.
This shift requires focused work. It is a transformational journey, and it will take dedication, discipline, and time and includes a deep dive within.
Listen to the whispers in your soul
Are you embarrassed or troubled by your mentors actions with your horse?
Do wish wish you had the courage or knowledge to speak up?
Are you searching for a kinder and more compassionate way?
Are you aware of what you are searching for?
Become aware of any fear or sadness in your horse interactions and let us help you alchemize them into courage and joy.
We all are capable of transformation, and have the wisdom needed already within us. During this exploration with us, you will travel on a life-changing adventure to help you find your inner strength and to revisit forgotten or buried wisdom. You will have guided support and a framework to help you on your way.
Let’s step away from the ordinary and into the sacred
Why offer this program?
As this new way of being is awakening, we need strong, compassionate leaders to create and open paths for others to follow. Some feel the urge to be part of this and do not know how or where to begin. Out of our successful experiences and knowledge, we have created a framework for Equestrian transformation to help those who are willing to take up this call for the new story.
What makes this program unique?
If you join our Sacred Holistic Horsemanship Program, you will be following a timeless and well-tried path: The Hero’s Journey as outlined by Joseph Campbell. Countless have traveled this path and have arrived with new ways of understanding, being, and doing. Through this effort, the Hero encapsulates what is important for their personal well-being and through completing the quest, their transformation brings them to confidently and compassionately share their experiences with others.
Together we will honor the wisdom and giving nature of the horse.
Why we care
Throughout history, horses have captured our imaginations, galloped through our dreams, and stunned us with their beauty, wisdom, and grace. With their cooperation, we have successfully engaged them for countless tasks. The horse has accepted being our partner for centuries from plowing our fields to assisting us in our wars, to performing for our entertainment. In more recent times the horse is in service to aid our troubled minds and bodies back to a place of well-being. They have earned the rights for contented and full lives.
Who are the facilitators for SHH program?
We are a dedicated community of experienced and accomplished equestrians committed to helping humans to connect with these amazing animals for mutual joy. From our vision, to our culture, to our classes, to the day-to-day operations, we are committed to enriching the horse/human experience. Having traveled the path and having contributed to the old equestrian paradigm, we are all pledged to this new paradigm shift. It speaks to our hearts and feels good within our souls. All of our mentors have all been on deep soul-searching personal journeys to find new ways of being with their equine partners. Now we are here to share what we learned along the way so that you can have a guided and supported journey while you create your own strong and clear message to share with others.
For all the horse has done for us, it is through our gratitude that we examine what
we offer to the horse in return.
We know where we are
Let’s see where we can go
We know where we are
Let’s see where we can go
If I can do it, so can you!!!!!!
I have found that it is beneficial when equine enthusiasts have a foundational level of knowledge and hands-on experience of how the equine body, mind, emotions, and natural nature of the horse works and to examine how these are the same and yet different from the human counterparts. I have come to realize that through ongoing support and community these findings are transformational.
By going down this path, you will gain confidence and clarity in your training methods.
You will experience greater connection, communication, and compassion with your horse.