Welcome to our unique holistic
Center for Equine Awareness
where SPIRITUALITY, ART, and SCIENCE interweave to expand
Sacred Holistic Horsemanship
Sacred = deep reverence and respect for sentient beings
Holistic = recognizing all parts as intimately interconnected
Horsemanship = the art of caring for, handling, riding, and training horses
The Center for Equine Awareness (CEA), a 501c(3) education nonprofit, defines Sacred Holistic Horsemanship as a blend of the inward spiritual journey toward greater awareness, mindfulness, compassion, and love; the art of training and riding with grace and harmony; and the latest equine and equestrian scientific studies.
The Center is guided by dedicated and accomplished horsewomen/men whose careers have brought them together to this time and place. We call ourselves EquiSeers® Instructors. A seer is defined as “one who sees.” We believe that our many years of experience have clarified our vision and expanded our capacity to be a guiding force in the current paradigm shift toward Sacred Holistic Horsemanship. Also, EquiSeer® members “see” and help those who are struggling with individual problems with their horses.
EquiSeers® trainers and instructors believe that by bringing inquiry, knowledge, and hands-on experience together, we can improve the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare of equines and equestrians. The Programs include online classes, retreats, clinics, workshops, and a membership community. Our classes range from Meditation and Qi Gong to Classical Riding Principles, Equine and Equestrian Biomechanics, Equine and Equestrian Learning Principles, and so much more.
From Separateness to Sacred Interbeing
the next Equestrian Paradigm Shift is arising
Throughout the course of history, there have been significant paradigm shifts in the way horses have been treated and used. From Xenophon to Classical Riding Principles, from breaking horses to starting colts, one can see that the shift has been moving in the direction of horse well being and welfare.
Now a new story is unfolding. A movement that is shifting from horses as means to an end to equal beings on this life’s journey.
Awareness to bring horses into the fold of sentience and consciousness is expanding. This movement has been coalescing for the last couple of decades as many seek further advancement away from the current standards of horse treatment to looking for new ways of cocreating and cohabitating with their equine partners. Cocreating connection, compassion, and communication. Cohabitation where both beings experience freedom and family.
Division and uncertainty in the last couple of years seems to be increasing all over the world during these stressful and trying times. Division even seeps into the Equestrian community stirring many to seek shelter and support into different ideological camps creating separation and sometimes friction. We have all been witness to the recent painful outcomes from isolation and dividing discourse.
Now is the time we need to come together not only for ourselves but also for our horses. We need to ensure that our horses will be by our sides and protected as we go forward into unknown times.
Let’s travel from the current conventional equestrian paradigm to sacred-based horsemanship.
CEA firmly believes that through education, experience, and support we are ready to transform to a more benevolent and equitable paradigm—one that recognizes all things as interbeing (interconnected). This paradigm brings consciousness, awareness, mindfulness, and sacredness into all our intentions with our beloved equine beings, recognizing that horses exist in their own right and have their own inalienable natural rights.
Experience Riding Soul to Soul
A journey in trust, confidence, and communication
Why Act now?
Everyday is an opportunity to create more safety and protection in the equestrian world. Everyday we can expand and improve our vision of the next chapter. As this new way of being is awakening, we need strong, compassionate leaders to create and open paths for others to follow.
Out of successful experiences and knowledge, our EquiSeers have created a framework for equestrian transformation to help those who are willing to take up this call for the new story.
Some feel the urge to be part of this and do not know how or where to begin. By joining us and taking this step forward, you can help prevent unnecessary physical, mental, emotional, and spritual suffering for both horses and the humans who love them. Through this new story, horses and humans will enjoy a closer, kinder, and more compassionate relationship.
Together we will honor the wisdom and giving nature of the horse.
Who we help?
We work with people who view their horses as equal beings on this life’s journey. They long to forge a sacred and holistic relationship with their equine partners, free of dominance and force.
Using leading edge expertise and research, we help our students build a bridge from longing to knowledge to action as they master:
- The What: By studying Equine and rider biomechanics, equine behavior and rider psychology, equine husbandry, and deep listening and effective communication
- The How: By following Scientific Findings and Classical Riding Principles that support a holistic approach to horsemanship
- The Why: By bringing interbeing and sacredness into all horse/human interactions to further wellbeing in the horse world
Listen to the whispers in your soul.
Are you troubled by your mentors actions with your horse?
Do you wish for kind and compassionate training for you and for your horse?
Do wish wish you had the courage or knowledge to speak up?
Are you aware of what you are searching for?
Become aware of any fear or sadness in your horse interactions and let us help you alchemize them into courage and joy.
Let’s step away from the ordinary to the sacred.
Welcome to the
EquiSee® Program
Goal: To bring sacredness and interbeing into all equestrian interactions.
To help turn the wheel towards this paradigm shift, our EquiSeers have designed the EquiSee Program. We have put a lot of time, effort, and collaboration into bringing you an exciting, enlightening, and effective array of classes, hands-on experiences, and a welcoming community for support and exploration.
The Center offers three tiers of participation
EquiSeeds Classes: Individual online classes to expand your knowledge in specific areas
EquiSeekers Journey: Join us on a year-long Hero’s EquiQuest to find your own path to Sacred Holistic Horsemanship
EquiSeers® Masterclasses: for equine professionals and for those looking for one-on-one instruction
EquiSeeds classes are individual do it on your own online classes. These classes are for individuals looking for more understanding of a specific pillar of Sacred Holistic Horsemanship.
EquiSeekers seek a more mindful and compassionate way of being with horses, willingly pursue the expansion of the horse/human experience, and focus on the well-being of horses and humans in all equestrian interactions. Equiseeker journeys lead to self-realization and exploration and are open to deep and illuminating learning.
In these troubled times, many of us are realizing that change is happening and are experiencing uncertainty about the future. CEA believes that by bringing EquiSeekers together, we can plan and be ready to help our horses transition with us.
If we open our souls to recognize sacredness, respect, and reverence for horses, and we bring awareness to this paradigm shift that honors the sentience of horses and of all beings, then together we will move forward coexisting as equal souls on this journey.
If you are drawn to expanding ethical and compassionate horsemanship for horses and humans in all equestrian disciplines, then we are here to support you on this journey. As a participant, you will become an active player and leader in creating an expanding paradigm shift in consciousness for the benefit of our horses— their minds, bodies, hearts, and souls.
Through our classes, experiential learning, and techniques, we provide the knowledge and tools to empower you to expand Sacred Holistic Horsemanship.
Throughout this exploration, EquiSeekers participants are guided to discover their own way of being with their horses and to find their own path to a stronger and healthier connection.
If you feel alone on this journey or feel the need for supporting guidance while you find your path then join us. If you are looking for a safe place to be seen, heard, and accepted as you explore your trail and find your unique way, then you have found it.
This is your journey, your horse, your choice, and your voice.
This year-long certification program includes education, hands-on experience, support, and community for lasting transformation. The program is designed to offer choices for people who:
- feel the need for a new alternative to existing systems where the focus is on recognizing the sentience of and promoting well-being in horses and their companions
- are looking for a supplement to a current system/approach
- want to explore new ideology while supporting traditionally/classically based training
- are searching for less domination and more leadership when working with our horses
- would like to be more empowered and knowledgeable horse owners, trainers, caregivers and body workers through mindfulness, awareness, science, and “common sense”
Join us on this EquiSeekers Journey
and become a voice for this bold, brave, and beautiful way
of interbeing with our horses.
This journey is supported by 5 interconnected threads:
1) Physical – equine and rider biomechanics, anatomy, conformation, healing modalities
2) Mental – ethology, nature of the horse
3) Emotional – TLC trust, leadership, connection, teaching horses and humans in a way they can learn
4) Spiritual – inner soul searching, examining beliefs and intentions, Qi Gong, meditation
5) Service – nonviolent communication and the path of the kind and compassionate warrior
Body, mind, heart, soul, and community.
This quest for the EquiSeekers participants is a deep dive into each of these pillars from the exterior to the interior of our horses and ourselves, realizing the inward journey and the outward joy.
There are many healthy paths to the light. From our combined experience and education this is the path we have chosen. It is intense, extensive, and holistic. Together we will be an effective and clear voice for the horse.
EquiSee Certification
Built on the 5 foundational pillars, this certification provides the tools to help expand this paradigm shift. Those who complete the journey will be recognized as those who embrace a sacred and holistic view of horsemanship.
Join us as we lead you on this journey. Dip into your inner strength and convictions. Find your voice. Experience a more compassionate, connected, and committed way of being with your equines.
EquiSeers MasterClasses offer the opportunity to learn directly and individually from our dedicated and accomplished horsewoman/men. Created by the individual instructor, every class and session are specifically tailored to your individual need.
Who we are
The Center is guided by dedicated and accomplished horsewomen/men whose careers have brought them together to this time and place. We call ourselves EquiSeers Instructors. A seer is defined as “one who sees.”
We believe that our many years of experience have clarified our vision and expanded our capacity to be a guiding force in the current paradigm shift toward Sacred Holistic Horsemanship. Also, EquiSeers see and help those who are struggling with individual problems with their horses.
EquiSeers trainers and instructors believe that by bringing inquiry, knowledge, and hands-on experience together, we can improve the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual welfare of equines and equestrians.
The Programs include online classes, retreats, clinics, workshops, and a membership community. Our classes range from Meditation and Qi Gong to Classical Riding Principles, Equine and Equestrian Biomechanics, Equine and Equestrian Learning Principles, and so much more.
We are a passionate community dedicated to helping humans connect with these amazing animals for mutual joy. From our vision to our culture, our classes, and our day-to-day operations, we are committed to enriching your horse/human experience.
Our EquiSeers are ready to guide others toward finding their voices and illuminating their inner strengths. As EquiSeers, we are primed to lead others into an evolving paradigm existence where horses and humans co-create a loving, kind, compassionate, and equal experience by improving communication, connection, and cohabitation.
Why we care
Throughout history, horses have captured our imaginations, galloped through our dreams, and stunned us with their beauty, wisdom, and grace. With their cooperation, we have successfully engaged them for countless tasks.
The horse has accepted being our partner for centuries from plowing our fields, to assisting us in our wars, to performing for our entertainment. In more recent times, the horse is being “used” to aid in healing our troubled minds and bodies and bringing them back to a place of well-being.
For all the horse has done for us, it is through our gratitude that we examine
what we offer to the horse in return.
What we offer
CEA is a dedicated, holistic, horse-centric learning and retraining rescue facility. We offer a step-by-step program, integrated educational opportunities, and a friendly community with social and service activities.
The Center offers education classes, experiential learning, and equine retraining rescue for a community of people who truly love and respect the horse. Through knowledge and community, our center helps expand awareness, mindfulness, empathy, and compassion in all equine pursuits.
At CEA, equine enthusiasts of all levels and disciplines learn a holistic approach to keep their equine companions healthy, happy, and fit—body, mind, heart, and soul. In return, our participants and students experience expanded self-awareness, mindfulness, and the unbridled joy that comes from having soul-to-soul relationships with horses who choose to be connected and willing partners.
Where we are
EquiSeers® Classes, Clinics, Retreats and Masterclasses are located across the US. Our main facility is nestled on the south side of beautiful Bozeman, Montana.
Our center helps humans help horses . . .
At the heart of everything we do you’ll find our love for the horse. Every lesson we teach, every workshop we give, and every retreat we host revolves around bettering the lives of our horses. That’s why we created a truly holistic and horse-centric educational membership community for equestrians.
At the Center, equestrians come together to explore new ideas. They share how the experiences and expertise gained on their journeys have provided an expanding insight into a closer relationship with their horses.
. . . and our horses help humans
How? By heightening awareness, mindfulness, and intentionality around our horses. By embracing kindness, compassion, and humility when in the company of our friends and animals. By staying open to new ideas, methods, and knowledge and by putting the well-being of all at the center of our focus.
By knowing our true nature—our greatest passion, our deepest joy, our highest strengths—and by having our actions reflect this, we now operate from a place of kindness and compassion that the horse is able to recognize and trust.
This work begins with exploring ourselves—our outside selves and our inside selves—and blending those into one harmonic being so that our actions on the outside are in alignment with our intentions on the inside.
Join us on a journey that is:
Come learn and share with us!
This journey takes us down many paths of exploration, all helpful in creating a deeper connection with our horses and a better understanding of ourselves.
With decades of experience, we’ve developed a suite of cutting-edge educational classes and hands-on sessions, transformative retreats, and social events for horse-loving friends.
All of our activities support a single goal — building better horse/human relationships.
What our members say about their journeys:
The Center takes you on a journey that’s exquisitely fine-tuned for optimal communication, conditioning, harmony, trust, and heartfelt relationships between horse and rider. PL
I feel so lucky to work with the center and their horses as they patiently walk me through the mind, body, and spirit language that connects horse and human. KE
You’ve helped me rediscover a lost part of myself and find my path. VF
I participated in a clinic with an international jumping trainer … and every time he dove into an explanation I was so thankful for everything that the Center taught me. Your instruction brought me to a different level and there is no way I would’ve understood him well enough without your lessons. NB